Promoting Information Transparency
Promoting Information Transparency
Promoting Information Transparency
Promoting Information Transparency
Promoting Information Transparency
Promoting Information Transparency

The Waste Reduction and Recycling Information Platform is built and maintained by Zero Dimension Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. ("ZRD"). ZRD is committed to promoting green, low-carbon and sustainable development, we provide consulting services and professional technical services for many international companies and leading enterprises. Zero Waste to Landfill consulting service is one of our main businesses. When serving corporate customers, brands and their supply chains, we found that there were still many obstacles in waste recycling. As an important part of the circular economy, waste recycling vendors have limited access to information. Therefore, with the support of all relevant parties, we have shared the information accumulated during the consulting projects, such as waste reduction, resource utilization and manufacturing of recycled products, built this waste information platform, and we will continuously update and improve it. We wish to promote the information disclosure in the field of waste recycling, reduce information asymmetry, and make more waste, especially the less utilized "low-value" waste, have the opportunity to be recycled and create value again.


The industrial ecology under the mode of circular economy needs the cooperation, coordination and interaction of many relevant parties. The functions of our platform will also be gradually expanded and upgraded, continue to promote the openness and transparency of the whole value chain, and constantly explore the roadmap and effective mechanism of circular economy.

Platform Data Coverage

Changwat (Provinces)
Recycling Vendors
Waste Categories

If you are a waste reduction or recycling vendor

If you want to recommend waste reduction and recycling vendors

If you have mature or innovative resource utilization solutions