Ministerial Regulations No.11, B.E. 2539 (1996) Issued pursuant to the Factory Act B.E. 2535 (1992)

Promulgating Date: 1996-08-13 Effective Date: 1996-08-13
Promulgating Agency: Ministry of Industry Category: General Management

Ministerial Regulation No. 11
B.E. 2539 (1996)
Issued pursuant to the Factory Act B.E.2535 (1992)


By the virtue of section 6 and sections 8(5) of the Factory Act B.E. 2535 (1992), the Minister of Industry hereby issues the Ministerial Regulation as follows:

Clause 1 The following shall be amended as clause 15 (di) of the Ministerial Regulation no. 2 (B.E. 2535 (1992)) issued pursuant to the Factory Act B.E. 2535 (1992).

“Clause 15 (di) Where it is prescribed by the Minister of Industry in the Government Gazette for a factory having wastewater treatment system to install instrument or special equipment other than those prescribed in clause 15, a factory shall also be required to install instrument or equipment for online monitoring discharged wastewater effluent to the computerized network system of Department of Industrial Works according to the following criteria and method:

(1) For an installation of flow meter, a flow meter for discharged wastewater and a meter for power consumption of wastewater treatment system shall transmit signal continuously to the computerized system to be analyzed.

An installation of instrument or equipment other than those of the first paragraph shall be prescribed by the Minister of Industry in the Government Gazette, depending on type, size, and location of a factory.

(2) A signal conversion system shall be installed to convert the signal from a flow meter and a meter for power consumption of wastewater treatment system into the signal that can be transmitted through network telecommunication system such as telephone, radio, or satellite in order to continuously transmit the signal to Department of Industrial Works or other location prescribed by Department of Industrial Works.

(3) There shall be an installation of equipment to analyzed and transmit analytical or measured value according to (2) via telephone, radio, or satellite continuously at all times or for certain period, as prescribed by Department of Industrial Works, to Department of Industrial Works or other location prescribed by Department of Industrial Works.”

Clause 2 The following shall be amended as clause 16 (di) of the Ministerial Regulation no. 2 (B.E. 2535 (1992)) issued pursuant to the Factory Act B.E. 2535 (1992).

“Clause 16 (di) A factory having air cleaning system shall comply with the following.

(1) A factory shall install a meter measuring power consumption of air cleaning system in an easily inspected location, and shall keep a record on meter unit and numbers of power unit consumed each day.

(2) In case where there is a use of chemical in the air cleaning system, a record of such use shall be kept daily, and prove of supply for such chemical shall be available.”

Clause 3 The following shall be amended as clause 16 (tri) of the Ministerial Regulation no. 2 (B.E. 2535 (1992)) issued pursuant to the Factory Act B.E. 2535 (1992).

Unofficial Translation Only the Thai version of the texts is legally binding.


“Clause 16 (tri) Where it is prescribed by the Minister of Industry in the Government Gazette for a factory having air cleaning system to install instrument or equipment for online monitoring of stack emission to the computerized network system of Department of Industrial Works according to the following criteria and method:

(1) For an installation of flow meter, a flow meter for emitted air and a meter for power consumption of air cleaning system shall transmit signal continuously to the computerized system to be analyzed.

An installation of instrument or equipment other than those of the first paragraph shall be prescribed by the Minister of Industry in the Government Gazette, depending on type, size, and location of a factory.

(2) A signal conversion system shall be installed to convert the signal from a flow meter and a meter for power consumption of air cleaning system into the signal that can be transmitted through network telecommunication system such as telephone, radio, or satellite in order to continuously transmit the signal to Department of Industrial Works or other location prescribed by Department of Industrial Works.

(3) There shall be an installation of equipment to analyzed and transmit analytical or measured value according to (2) via telephone, radio, or satellite continuously at all times or for certain period, as prescribed by Department of Industrial Works, to Department of Industrial Works or other location prescribed by Department of Industrial Works.”

Given on the 13th August B.E. 2539 (1996)

(Signed) Chaiwat Sinsuwong (Mr. Chaiwat Sinsuwong)

Minister of Industry

(Published in the Government Gazette, Volume 113, Part 33a, dated 22nd August B.E. 2539 (1996))

Unofficial Translation Only the Thai version of the texts is legally binding.